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What is Money Laundering?

In the world we live in today, it is easier than ever before to conduct seamless financial transactions on a global basis. With the rapid advancements in technology now available to us, any person can send money from any place in the world to any other place, relatively cheaply and almost instantly. However, while this has made international transacting and commerce easier, it has had the unintended effect of facilitating criminal activities. Today, criminal organizations rely on the financial system

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What is a Virtual CFO?

The question, “what is a virtual CFO”, is probably one of the most asked questions in the business and corporate world today. You may not have even heard the term until fairly recently. Remarkably, CFOs, or Chief Financial Officers, are not a novel concept. Traditionally, they were the people who effectively held the purse strings for businesses and companies. They operated like fitters at the tailor’s, determining and managing – among many things – the company’s capacity for risk and

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What is cloud accounting?

What would it feel like if you could access all your accounting documents and information from any device? Imagine being able to review any account,

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What is Beneficial Ownership?

Most criminals regardless of jurisdiction use corporate structures as the number one vehicle for disguising and moving illicit money around the financial system. The concept

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What is FirstLink?

FirstLink is a business outsourcing and advisory firm which provides specialised Finance, Legal and Human Resource solutions designed for Startups and SMEs.

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